Baby massage

Bond and connect deeply with baby.


You’ve tried to massage your baby already. You don’t really know what you are doing. You get stuck and feel demotivated.

Do any of these sound familiar?

✔ You're constantly saying I know my baby would love massage

✔ You're always thinking you don’t know how to do it

✔ You feel like baby is missing out

✔ You're frequently thinking you should have started by now

Imagine what it would feel like if you knew exactly what to do to to create a lovely environment and routine for baby massage.

What if I told you that you could...

✔ Encourage unique interaction between you and baby, strengthening your bond

✔ Help baby relax and sleep better

✔ Positively impact infant hormones, especially those that control stress

✔ Reduce digestive discomfort



Private Baby massage sessions

In your own comfort, at your best time

With baby massage, you can:

Yogi parent - baby massage, baby calm

Help baby feel calm

Before babies are able to understand language, we often communicate and comfort them through touch. If baby cries, for example, parents will hold, cuddle or stroke them. Baby massage is part of this natural impulse.

Yogi parent - baby massage, baby calm

Connect with baby

Your baby will feel nurtured and loved, strengthening the bond between the two of you. Massage is a great way for you and your partner to bond with your baby, and you may find it relaxing, too!

Yogi parent - baby massage, baby ease

Ease baby

Massage can soothe your baby and help her to sleep. Massage has many added benefits for your baby, including improving weight gain, aiding digestion, improving circulation, and easing teething pain.

What People Are Saying:


“I started going to Deepa during prenatal pregnancy where the yoga classes developed such calmness to me and my baby at the time. I decided to try the baby massage classes after my baby was born.

Deepa ensured that my baby was relaxed and thought me and my husband massage techniques which we were able to use as part of our baby's bedtime routine. Not only did we benefit from the class our baby was so chilled out afterwards.

Deepa also showed us techniques which would help with the gassiness and discomfort our baby would get. She is very calm, informative and welcoming and would definitely recommend!”


“I went to Deepa for her pregnancy yoga sessions and they were absolutely lovely. I don’t have any yoga background so I was a little worried but it was very relaxing and I looked forward to it each week.

I found it very useful and my husband and I took a private hypno-birthing session with her. Overall, I highly recommend Deepa as her sessions are always great and she is always very accommodating.

After my baby was born, I also requested for a private baby massage session from Deepa. What’s great was that she did a house call for this so if you are worried about leaving the comfort of your home after just delivering your baby, worry not.

She shows you ways on how to massage your baby so that they are relaxed and it is always nice to have someone show you how it is done especially for a first time mum like me!”


From £60, for the session

  • A guided session of the full baby massage routine

  • BONUS: A recording of the routine

Now booking clients for a time which is best for baby!


When should you start massaging your baby?

The best time to start infant massage is within the first three months, as babies begin to develop important physical and intellectual abilities, including motor skills,” Bosco says. “The infant massage techniques will be very light and gentle.” The goal is to get baby comfortable and familiar with your touch.

What should I use for baby massage?

Using a natural oil is best, such as coconut or almond oil. Always test a small area of the skin first.

Do you massage baby before or after a bath?

After baby's bath is an ideal time for a massage. They are already naked, and the skin is still moist -- the perfect time to apply oil or lotion. Put oil or lotion in your palm and rub hands together, which warms up the lotion and your hands -- and makes for a more comfy, enjoyable massage. Choose a time when your baby is content and alert, not tired or hungry, and interested in what’s going on around them. This makes it more likely that they’ll be ready to interact with you.

Let’s give baby the best massage experience.